Monday, March 12, 2012

My Latest Post in IDreporter: Green Bag for Garbage Sorting

Green Bag
The Green Bag project of the Linköping municipality (Sweden); how concepts from the sustainable design, green design, and service design research projects come to reality and people's everyday lives!
طرح کیسه های زباله سبز
In this project Linköping municipality asks citizens to sort their food waste (just leftovers from food) by the prepared green bags! This will make it easier to distinguish this garbage among others since it is planned to turn food wastes to Biogas- a type of fuel for busses and other vehicles.
This project is introduced in a brochure sent with the Electricity bills, explained with simple pictures.

طرح کیسه های زباله سبز
It is this much easy: sort your food waste using the GREEN BAG, we will turn it into biogas.

طرح کیسه های زباله سبز

More information is available in the project brochure.
The important point in this project is that how small changes in people’s lifestyles can make big changes for environment! And how designers can make these changes happen with the simplest possible way!

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