Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Exercise with Lia

Lisa wanted me to do an exercises with her in the studio. It was like this:
we had a pile of paper and 2 pencils. One of us starts the exorcise having 3 minutes to start a drawing and pass it to the other person to draw what she/her understood from the first drawing. It should be done for 3 times.
In one of the rounds I just tried to draw a something playing with forms. She continued by drawing a hair dryer because she thought my drawing is about a hair dryer but I automatically continued combining my first drawing and her hair dryer.

It was for her Interaction Design course.

Service Design Ref. 1

I searched about "Service Design" resources today.
Found some webpages which seems useful: which seems to have plenty of articles to be read!!! which is the website for livework who does service design. I have heard about it. had good examples

I couldn't find the book: designing services with innovative methods
I should find and read it!!! It was here in the studio last semester!!! :(
I found another book named: Introduction to product/service system Design ..I don't know if it is a good one to understand what is system in this case?

and an article from Stefan in here:
and another article: (Stefan had told me to search for Lucy kimbell)

This doesn't mean that I have read these. I should read them. But at first I should finish the part with PROBES. I will write a summary of what I have read for it in the next post.



I have created this blog a couple of years ago but never published in it! The main idea behind that was only creating my own design informaion hub in the infinite spaceof the Internet. May be it is a good way to get rid of my plenty of notebooks which are mostly lost!

So, here is not a scientific blog or like that..what is written here is notes of my design studies,experiences and inspirations, from any field of that!

I have a lot to write so I start from today and can't go back to write the previouse notes at the moment.