I searched about "Service Design" resources today.
Found some webpages which seems useful:
http://www.howardesign.com/exp/service/ which seems to have plenty of articles to be read!!!
www.livework.co.uk which is the website for livework who does service design. I have heard about it.
www.bagpi.co.uk had good examples
I couldn't find the book: designing services with innovative methods
I should find and read it!!! It was here in the studio last semester!!! :(
I found another book named: Introduction to product/service system Design ..I don't know if it is a good one to understand what is system in this case?
and an article from Stefan in here:http://www.nordes.org/data/uploads/papers/143.pdf
and another article: http://www.lucykimbell.com/stuff/ServiceDesignKimbell_final.pdf (Stefan had told me to search for Lucy kimbell)
This doesn't mean that I have read these. I should read them. But at first I should finish the part with PROBES. I will write a summary of what I have read for it in the next post.
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